On PubMed I searched "Autism and Thimerosal*" and am very disturbed to find that all of the publishing authors had a theme of publishing views and articles that either denied a link between Autism and Thimerosal and/or also are involved with pushing various medical products. I have no problem with antibiotics at this time. However, I feel like we must learn to revisit some of these doctors and scientists who seem to only publish science that supports medical product intervention or promotes indefinite counseling with more specialized treatments.** After learning about the revolving door, where people like Scott Gottlieb can be a commissioner at the FDA and the leave to become a Board Member at Pfizer, it is hard not to suspect that the same kind of corruption is taking place with doctors and scientists who defend vaccines. Please look yourself: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24814559/ Click on the authors and see what else they posted. Would you want to take advice and recommendations from authors who have a track record of belittling or overlooking known adverse effects of these medical products, while also only promoting medical products and services? *Thimerosal = Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination. **Specialized treatments = I acknowledge that some diseases and illnesses will require treatments indefinitely, my issue is the revolving door concept where scientists and doctors are possibly being paid to scientifically justify reasons to the public to use the services they are paid to endorse